Our Capabilities

We are trusted advisors to senior leaders, providing actionable counsel for a company's most challenging situations.

What We Do

Deep Expertise in Financial Communications

Our firm combines decades of experience with unique media insights and financial communications expertise to advise clients.

Our founding principle is that the best advice comes from the deepest relationships. As such, our commitment to clients is to work as perpetual partners, offering senior-led counsel on the full range of corporate, operational and social issues that come with running a business.

Laptop showing deal news
Media Relations and Corporate Reputation Management
  • Building and expanding corporate-level media relations programs, including company narrative development and profile raising efforts
  • Developing proactive and defensive reputation management strategies
  • Implementing executive-level thought leadership campaigns across both traditional and social media platforms
  • Leading media training and coaching in advance of print, digital or broadcast interviews
  • Developing and executing PR plans for strategic announcements (e.g. leadership transition, DEI report, business expansion, firm launch)
  • Providing real-time strategic counsel on ongoing issues
Strategic Investor Relations
  • Developing and implementing IR programs for newly public companies
  • Helping to craft and articulate investor rationale, with supporting messages
  • Creating and designing investor presentations
  • Evaluating and refining approach to Wall Street, including traditional and digital investor targeting
  • Supporting quarterly earnings, including drafting key materials, preparing executives for conference calls and Q&As, and introducing novel approaches to connecting with investors
  • Preparing for roadshows and investor meetings
  • Leading presentation training
Transaction Communications
  • Crafting comprehensive internal and external communications plans
  • Preparing for and managing rumors
  • Helping to refine investment rationale for why a transaction does (or doesn’t) make sense 
  • Developing internal and external communications materials (e.g. press release, investor presentation, conference call script, employee messages, stakeholder emails, talking points)
  • Producing digital communications, including microsite, videos, social media posts and infographics
  • Developing and helping execute media strategy, including engagement with targeted reporters / outlets
Shareholder Activism Defense and Corporate Governance
  • Analyzing vulnerabilities and helping develop comprehensive communications scenario plan for public attack
  • Running activist simulations for management teams and boards of directors
  • Developing and advising on strategy for ongoing shareholder engagement, including private and public situations
  • Advising on and implementing media strategy
  • Creating comprehensive, cross-channel communications strategy for proxy contest, including messaging to shareholders, creating presentations to investors and proxy advisory firms and deploying digital tactics
Corporate Communications
  • Creating innovative cross-channel communications strategies, focused on achieving audience-specific goals
  • Designing and implementing corporate- and executive-specific digital and social media campaigns
  • Auditing and improving internal communications programs
  • Evaluating and refining company-owned communications channels, including corporate websites and blogs
  • Developing audience-specific collateral, including internal and external reports, website copy, infographics, presentations and videos
Financial and Operational Crisis
  • Developing crisis communications plans / analyzing existing plans for vulnerabilities
  • Leading crisis simulations
  • Providing real-time support for broad range of matters, including management changes, investigative reports and exposes, litigation, product recalls and short attacks, among others
Bankruptcy and Restructuring
  • Developing comprehensive communications plans for both internal and external stakeholders
  • Designing and implementing restructuring website and associated digital strategies
  • Providing media support both in advance of and concurrent with filing